News & Events

Mining equipment and services : latest news

Read more about what we do in terms of mining equipment and services for the mining industry. We are experts in distribution and maintenance of mining equipment for mining companies. Mining spare parts, mining mechanical parts, mining undercarriage, mining drilling equipement, mining rebuild programs, mining welding and maintenance of your mining machines. We solve mining production issues for the mining industry with a large choice of brands : Berco, Esco, Caterpillar, Volvo, Liebherr, etc.

Underground mining buckets

As part of the signing of our VMI, Ground engine tool (GET) and Tracks contract in Guinea, our team is fully committed to the conversion of 15 Machines.
✅ Lip conversion in ESCO 75SV2 in PC2000
✅ Lip conversion in ESCO 70SV2 in 374 F
✅ Welder Training
✅ GET and tracks Measurement
✅ GET and tracks management

Thanks to our customer for his trust!


Some pictures of our great team in Guinea.
Karamo Kaba our stock VMI manager and marcelo lima our welder technician realize an inspection of all the converted buckets.

Words of the week by Karamo : ‘’ With #Haladjian is not only about converting the buckets or supplying undercarriages group but it’s also inspecting all the converted buckets inside the different pit.’’

Thanks Karamo for these pictures.

Track control

Haladjian Expertise hits once again!
Our undercarriage expert and our area manager have done a track control on a PC800-8 while the machine has engine breakdown for one of our customers in west Africa.

They have done wear monitoring on idler, sprockets, shoes, links, bushing, upper rollers, track rollers.

The verdict was tracks rollers were severely worned on the flange due to application and because the machine had no guards.

After this checking, here is our advices:
✔️Some procedure for the driver needs to be implemented to minimize the impact on track rollers while using the machine.
✔️Put guards and maintain in good condition to protect track rollers.

So, now, we need to follow up after 2 months of use once the machine will be back to work.

Good job mining team !

track control on a PC800-8

Underground mining buckets

Some time ago, we talked about our undergound mining buckets that we delivered and installed for one our mining customers.
You remember those beautiful red buckets?
After delivery, installation, technical inspection and team training. One of the LH621 buckets is working.

For the past month, our client has seen his activity increase:
✔️ Loading 20-22 tons with our underground mining bucket against 13-15 tons with the original.
✔️Also, there is a better penetration.

So many positive points, our customer is satisfied!

You want theses buckets too? Contact us

Underground mining bucket


[Components] 🔩 ⚙️Discover one of the latest achievements of our rebuild center in France for one of our customers in West Africa: C27 engine rebuild’s.

To support our customers, we offer a large quantity of components from our warehouses.
Whether you need new components, outright components or even a complete rebuild, our teams are there for you:

A new start for a second life!
Learn more about our rebuild programs :

Underground solution

Do you remember? A few months ago, we shipped 4 underground mining buckets to one our customers in Mali.
One of these 4 buckets has just been started up!
What we did:
✔️Installing the bucket on the machine
✔️Technical inspection of the bucket after one night in production
✔️Training of maintenance teams in the maintenance of ESCO Corporation Ultraedge GETs

Big up to Sébastienadrien and Alexandre for this job! And thanks to our customer for his trust!

Thanks to our customer for his trust !

Underground mining buckets

Team mining- Did you meet Agnès Moulinet?

Agnès is our Contract Manager, let’s introduce her!

Who is she? 🕵️

Agnès studied International Business.
She spent the last 11 years at a CAT dealer in West Africa, including 7 years in the Mining department to develop the entire After market business.

What does she like in her job?
Even if her job is done in sometimes extreme conditions but also very rewarding, what she like is the cultural diversity of the mining world. And the fact that the work practices must be adapted to each customers, partners, which makes commercial negotiations rich, tough, and exciting.

What does she do in our mining department?
Within the Mining Department, Agnès is our Contract Manager. She is negociating, setting up and ensuring the smooth running of contracts whether for the establishment of VMI, on-site teams, training in the constant concern to build long and solid partnerships.

Like you can see Agnès has a true love for the mining world. She can clearly say : I ❤️ mining !

Haladjian puts Women of the Group in the spotlight!

Today it’s International Women’s Day, the Haladjian Group highlights some women working within. Discover the testimony of Chaimae G, a young woman working in a male environment as a Mining Coordinator of the Haladjian Mining department.

Mining Coordinator at Haladjian Mining

I am 21 years old. Passionate about languages, I passed a Literature high level, then I turned to an International Trade BTEC. During my BTEC, I did training courses and prepared myself especially for the professional world and trade. I have been working at Haladjian Mining for almost 2 years now !

Can you quickly describe your position ? What do you like most in it ?

I am in charge of Service reports, Technician’s business trips, calls for tenders. I also coordinate the missions. I work directly with the Haladjian Mining Manager and General Management to set up projects and facilitate communication with customers, processing requests, enliven the Service…

What I like about my job is the specificity of this field. Indeed, working in the distribution of mining mechanical parts for construction and mining equipment is a very special field and I love it! It opens eyes to a whole new world to discover, and the experience is very enriching.

You evolve in a very male environment; how do you live with it ? Did you have to impose yourself or did you find your place naturally ?

“I live it very well, it is true that it is a very male environment, but being a woman does not in any way hamper my integration into the company. I found my place very naturally.

What advice would you give to young women who will soon enter the world of work ?

Especially not to undermine your mind ! Don’t give up and keep going. I had lost hope after my BTEC because I had difficulty finding a job, but I did not get demoralized. I thought that being young and without real experience of the world of work, I would not find anything.

Today I have a job that fascinates me and allows me to learn every day. I am proud of what I have accomplished, and I can say that I am proud of myself! Do not give up! Being a girl in this business has a ton of advantages contrary to what we may think. This is a field that is becoming more and more feminine and I think it is absolutely fantastic !

We thank Chaimae G. for her testimony, the time she took to answer these few questions and for her message full of kindness for you young ladies!

Contact us at or call the +33 490 39 39 23 for any mining project coordination needs.

Haladjian Mining is a company specialized in providing wear parts, mechanical parts, components for rebuild program and services like mechanics for mining equipment, mining welding, like assistance and training for mining workers.

Team mining- Did you meet Basuki Rahmadi?

Basuki is our Senior technical expert for our drilling products services. Let us introduce him!

Who is he? 🕵️
Basuki is our drilling expert ! He has been working in the Mining industry for more than 20 years now.

Through his different experiences for some big names of mining products like Caterpillar®, Sandvik® and Epiroc® he has developed strong knowledges in this industry. In the last 10 years, he has been focusing on the drilling sectors, blast and holes sectors, and exploration and grade control for surface and underground mining.

In our organization, he is provides technical support to customers to determine the best drilling solutions (drilling parts, components and rock tools) and he performs site audits.

He can provide full support to the clients on proper preventive maintenance and best practices on the drilling machines. He also provides technical and maintenance training for customers to support their need on the people development.

So if you have any needs on drilling, our drilling expert can help you! Contact us at

Haladjian Mining is a company specialized in providing wear parts, mechanical parts, components for rebuild program and services like mechanics for mining equipment, mining welding, like assistance and training for mining workers.

Meet our other workers that are fully committed in providing assistance and advice to the mining industry like Mathieu Prat and Chaimae Ghoummit.

Or contact us to discover our offer at or call the +33 490 39 39 23.

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