Chaimae Ghoummit : Sales assistant in mining assistance and logistics

Chaimae Ghoummit : Sales assistant in mining assistance and logistics

Chaimae is our Mining sales assistant, let’s introduce her!

Who is she? 🕵️
Chaimae has a high level diploma in International Business and has decided to put her skills at the service of the mining industry.
In our organization she’s managing our Area managers trips and monitoring our customers portfolio. She therefore takes care of our mining experts that are spread all around Africa and countries like Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Mauritania for example. She also deals with management and logistics issues related to the assistance and supply we provide to the mining industry directly on site. She is also in charge of the budgets and manages all our tenders.
And finally, Chaimae coordinates our logistic with our bounded wharehouses in Burkina Faso and Senegal. Great infrastructures that allow Haladjian Mining to react efficiently whenever a client needs expertise and equipment on their mining production pits.

Even if mining can be consider like a man’s world, she has found her place: she does her job with passion and has build on real interest for the mining industry!

Dont’t say it to anyone but… her nickname in our organisation is Speedy 😉.  She is fast learning and works efficiently when confronted to mining equipment and mining assistance issues!

You need mining wear parts, mining welding services or mining components for mining machines rebuild programs? Contact us and ask for Speedy at! Contacts us at or +33 490 39 39 23. Chaimae might be on the other end of the line!

Meet our other experts at Haladjian Mining and get to know better the men and woman behind our assistance and supply mining services.

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