Haladjian Group’s Corporate Social Responsability in the mining industry
We believe in responsible business that supports development and Corporate Social Responsability as a vector of innovation and long-term efficiciency.
For several years, Haladjian has combined quality, safety, health and environment into a single approach and improved compliance with ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. This policy annually reviewed to be adapted and relevant. Today, the group has chosen to affirm a CSR commitment and make it an objective of its strategic plan for 2020.
Our full QSE policy is available for download, contact us.
We are committed to :
- Be a commited employer
- Create a discrimination-free workplace
- Create a Culture of Open and Honest Communication
- Develop talents and include our teams in the group’s development
- Build long-term trusting relationships
- Boost the economy of sharing & pooling uses
- Foster Innovative approaches
- Reduce waste through innovative work practices and recycling practices;
- Minimise the impact of our operations
- Increase the use of environmentally acceptable materials, equipment and technology in our product and service offer
- Ensure that our suppliers follow acceptable environmental policies
- Actively promote environmental awareness among our people, customers and suppliers
- Identify energy consumption and current processes that result in wasted energy and implement poractive strategies to reduce energy consumption
- Review implementation to track progress
Quality standards of our solutions for mining applications
ISO 9001 : 2015
Delivering service excellence to our customers is our commitment to limit the risks related to production downtime. We use our customer focused organization & tools to capture the value in the long term relationship with our partners.
We want to stay focus on customer satisfaction rather than on processes. We believe we can achieve this goal through autonomous and empowered management.
ISO 14001 : 2015
Recognising that sustainable environmental practices are fundamental to our future, Haladjian has progressively engineered a proactive environmental strategy through practice-based methodologies with proven results. At all levels, environmental considerations is part of our daily operational thinking and operations.
Haladjian supports the principles in the UN Declaration of Human Rights. We believe that the inherent dignity and equal rights of all humans is fundamental to strong communities and good business.
Our Group has a zero tolerance policy with regard to both active and passive corruption and bribery and is committed to complying with the relevant anti-corruption and anti-bribery legislation in every jurisdiction where we operate. An anti-corruption code of conduct is integrated into our Group code of conduct, defining and illustrating the behaviors that are prohibited. We only maintains business relationships with companies that acknowledge this code and have the same standards of compliance and integrity that we do. In no case will we tolerate corruption within the Group.
Our full anti-bribery policy is available for download, contact us.
Learn more about:
Haladjan group overview, solutions and applications for mining industry
Haladjan mindset, innovative and effective solutions for mining
Haladjian Mining team, mining multi brand experts
Discover some of our products and services like components for mining applications, esco mining products, training and mentoring mining.